Rosmarin Program Services

Program development, Strategic planning, Leadership coaching,


I have been mentoring for a number of years now. Mostly I mentor women in tech who are making some kind of transition in their careers. I mentor for fun (and apparently to say the things out loud that I wish someone would say to me).

My mentoring practice takes the form of regular phone calls which include listening, empathising, exploring, cheerleading and advising.

Some comments from people I’ve mentored:

Alice has been a wonderful mentor to me and has supported me through a period of huge personal and professional growth. Her advice is always thoughtful and considered, and reveals what a remarkable understanding she has of people and working relationships. She seems to instinctively know when to challenge me, and how to inspire me to reach further than I imagined I could.

Alice’s questions always insightful and quickly establish what lies at the heart of any issue. Talking my problems through with her has helped me learn how to make objective observations and make rational decisions based on a broader view of the situation. 

Being mentored by Alice has been a genuine privilege and has supported me in becoming more confident, competent, proactive and analytical. It has also taught me (and demonstrated) how transformational great mentoring can be.


The regular mentorship conversations I’ve had with Alice helped me navigate complex negotiations and career promotions.

Alice has helped me better assess situations around me and become more self aware. At times, the sessions have made me realise the limiting factors and perceived hurdles in my career were quite often an illusion that I can navigate around. She’s helped me at self introspection, and building up confidence when I needed it. Alice has also helped me look at situations objectively, and our conversations often aid me with a ‘toolset’ of books and resources that help further develop an area of interest.


You stretch my thinking and the vision I have for myself. I’m better because of you.


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